Project "Lakefront kiosk" for Chicago Architectural Biennale (with Arch Group International LLC, USA)
Architect: Aleksei Goriainov, Mikhail Krymov
Design: 2015
Supervisor: Irina Cociuc
1. The main idea
The main idea of the project is that the kiosk interacts with the people around, reacting to their approach. It responds to activity in and around it, attracting more and more people. That is, as contrasted with other kiosks on the quay, it is a living object. This symbolizes the emerging trends in architecture of creating intelligent buildings, rich in information technology. Ideal building must adapt to the needs of the people and provide maximum comfort. Also in the architecture the using of media facades is running high and term media architecture is coined. The shape of the pavilion symbolizes its versatility, the ability to adapt to different needs.
In our design, the pavilion should be noticeable from far away and attracts attention.
2. Implementation
The shell of the kiosk is made of translucent plastic spheres with integrated LEDs. The whole kiosk is an interactive media façade. Spheres are interconnected and placed between two layers of ETFE film. It provides protection from the weather and stiffens the structure of the pavilion. The shell is placed on a wooden platform. Outside the pavilion flooring creates zones to place the tables. Instead of a single open shed we offer several local shelters made of metal pipes and ETFE film. This allows increasing of the area of influence of the kiosk without increasing its area.
The pavilion may be completely disassembled and reassembled in another place without damage to its structure.
3. Use cases
Kiosk provides variety of options for use. The main scenarios:
• Fast Food
• Shop
• Rental
• Resting place
• Auditorium
• Exhibition space
The main quality of the kiosk is that its visual design works the same inside and out, creating a distinctive interior design with no additional effort. The whole shell is translucent, so the kiosk is well lit inside during the day.